Land Surveyors and Surveying Services
The range of services offered by expert surveyors are really varied, including resource consent applications, urban and rural subdivision, Maori land partitions, topographical and site survey details, proclamation and GPOS surveys, land stability and photogrammetric survey controls. Land surveying can be an essential element of much land development, whether for commercial or residential purposes. In essence, it involves the precise measurement and mapping of geographic areas with various elements that comprise the landscape, the stability and productivity capabilities of such land.
The principal function of land surveyors would be to establish and/or verify boundary lines, through what of observing, measuring and mapping. Determining boundary lines and obtaining an accurate measure of your current or future property is vital in order to avoid situations of potential encroachment and the resultant disputes and claims that always follow. Furthermore, for the purposes of building perimeter fences or buildings within the boundary, it really is highly advisable to have the land measured and surveyed prior to the commencement of construction in order to avoid the same complications if encroachment or non compliancy with local and national building regulations has occurred.
With growing population levels placing an ever increasing pressure on all resources, including residential and commercial land, both in urban and rural environments, the value of property has literally skyrocketed. Furthermore, with rising must build infrastructure and housing to support, facilitate and provide services to this enlarging population, the role of land surveyors and the services they provide are, and will continue to be, in high demand. includes the construction of residential areas, bridges, tunnels and roads, commercial buildings and roads. From multi-billion dollar commercial developments to residential planning applications, land surveyors provide the documentation required to fulfill the local and national bodies and organisations charged with responsibility of enforcing property and building regulations.
With the advent of new technologies, the process of land surveying is becoming faster and more accurate. employed is global positioning satellites (GPS). GPS surveys afford incredibly detailed and accurate mapping to occur, which identifies existing structures, boundaries and the topography of the surroundings; to be able to be conducted over a wide area. This is the most suitable for large areas of commercial development or defining boundaries on large tracts of land, such as farms and agricultural operations.

Additional services from experienced land surveyors include a procedure for 'setting out'. This is where the land surveyors coordinate with the building contractors to map out wherever the future buildings are to be located. This mapping information is then passed onto groundwork contractors, that are empowered with the exact information regarding the preparation of the site.
Harrison Grierson is really a large advisory and design consultancy employed in four key market sectors; Land and Buildings, Water and the Environment, Utilities and Transport. The Company operates throughout Australasia and the Pacific Rim from two New Zealand and Australia.
Looking to the near future, the challenge would be to create better natural, social and built environments using resources in a sustainable manner. Giving an answer to this challenge will mean at times we will step outside contemporary thinking and create something unique that we believe will influence change towards an improved world.
Harrison Grierson's Land Surveyors and surveying expertise is widely recognised in the property and construction industries at the best levels, attaining several awards of excellence within the surveying profession.